Basic information - Company details


The details of your company are the presentation of your business. This is basic but relevant information to succeed in the digital world. Company details, such as address and main category, are accepted by all the channels we support.

Listings have already been pre-filled in information for you (based on the Google Location). Please check the pre-filled data carefully and add the missing information.

How can I do that? 

  1.  Go to your Listing's home page

  2. On the left side, you will find the "company details" section

  3. Click on edit 

  4.  Fill in all the information correctly and carefully.


Which information is important?

The basic data (name, address, telephone number, website, email, category, opening hours, keywords, long description) and other data (attributes, panorama images, logo, photos, services, social media profiles) are also important.

What should I know about the Primary Category? 

Add up to 5 categories in your profile. The first category counts as the main category and is, therefore, the most important. Corresponding to the main category, associated attributes that you can select are displayed in the dropdown in Listings.

Examples for the main category and other categories:

Main category Additional categories you can add
Insurance Health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, liability insurance, etc
Department store Women's wear, menswear, housewares, jewellery, toys

If you have any questions about how to fill out, the "Service areas" section. Please check
this article out. 




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