Additional Information - Special opening hours

In addition to regular opening hours, you can insert Special Opening Hours that would apply for a certain period for your locations.
For example, you can use this field to inform that your location will be open on a public holiday, during Christmas break, or for extended hours during school vacation. It also works the other way around: in case your location will be closed on a particular day/holiday, let your customers know.

How can I do that?

  1. Go to your Listings page 

  2. Click on the "Special opening hours" section and click on "edit"

  3. After that, you will see a photo as shown below

You can simply select the date, then select if you're open and which hours. Whenever your location is closed, just mark your location as closed on that day and hit the Save button. You can add as many special opening hours as you want.

Please make sure to add special opening hours a minimum of 7 days in advance in order for all the data to be processed on time.


Why can't I add special opening hours for my location?

The field Special Opening Hours can only be added if you have provided the regular opening hours for your location. In reverse, you cannot remove the Opening Hours if you added Special Opening Hours.

Why are my Special Opening Hours not visible in the listings?

There are a few reasons:

  • Not all directories support this field
  • Some directories take up to 7 days to update your listing - therefore, make sure to keep your location data as up to date as possible to allow those directories the time to process and display accurate information.
  • Most directories only show special opening hours a few days before the actual dates
How do I set my locations to temporarily closed?

Some directories offer the option to temporarily close locations. We automatically determine whether a location must be marked as temporarily closed on directories based on the following rules if the location has been set 14+ consecutive days of Special Opening Hours as closed Google and Apple Maps will have their status changed to temporary closed. If the location has been set 7+ days consecutive daySpecial Opening Hours as closed Foursquare and Facebook will be shown as temporarily closed.  

When should I make use of Special opening hours? 

You should make use of it if:

  • If your business is going to open or close at a different time than your usual Opening Hours. They allow you to inform your clients that on a specific date or set of dates, your business has modified its working hours.
  • When your business is undergoing renovation or closing temporarily, you can use the Special Opening Hours to indicate, that you are temporarily closed.
  • Should your business close for a series of dates, do NOT remove your normal Opening Hours from your business. Certain directories, like Google, will not interpret this as your business is closed and will continue to show the usual Opening Hours. Also, the system will show an error should you try to remove the normal  Opening Hours while Special Opening Hours are present.
  • Do not set no Opening Hours as that will not show your business as closed daily.


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